Do Something


BLS Youth CAN has participated in the Do Something Competition since it's inception.  We encourage all schools to undertake efforts to increase their green and enter the competition. 

In 2007 BLS Youth CAN won the $1,000.00 grand prize by organizing a massive recycling effort, creating several school competitions within homerooms and grade levels to increase participation, making short public service announcements that we aired on our school morning announcements, promoting carbon footprint calculation quizzes, creating a cycling club to encourage students to bike to school; sought no idling enforcement outside our school, and more.

In 2008 BLS Youth CAN arranged for a school-wide energy audit; asked our school to replace the auditorium's 509 incandescent light bulbs with CFLS (which they did); brought in a green roof presentation; initiated a campaign to curtail the use of bottled water, holding blind taste-tests between tap water and bottled water; launched efforts to get solar panels for our school (for more information about the Solar Challenge, click here) ;distributed turn off your lights signs for all of the classrooms; and got 50+ teachers to teach about climate change for the annual National Teach-In on global climate change solutions. We won $500.00 from Do Something!

BLS Youth CAN is now underway with a large scale effort to further green our school:  We have formed a student-led "Greening BLS Committee that includes students, faculty, parents, administrators, and alums. We are working with architects who are donating their work pro bono to establish a design for a green roof with a green house, outdoor classroom, wind turbines, pv panels, solar thermal panels, and more.  BLS Youth CAN is working on developing curriculum to be used in conjunction with the green roof that will be piloted at BLS and made available on our website.  

So Heads Up Everyone!!  You have a chance to win too!  Here's what the Do Something folks have to say to YOU:

Do Something's Increase Your Green Competition is back in 2010!

Do you need funding to make your school more eco-friendly? We want to help. Show us you have what it takes to shrink your school's carbon footprint. Plan and execute student-led green projects and you could win up to $1500 to support your work. Last year, over 500 schools participated in Increase Your Green - so start planning! Visit for more information and to sign-up!

  1. Click here for a more detailed description of the various elements of this effort.

  2. Do Something Flyer



BLS Youth CAN’s Win in 2007                   BLS Youth CAN’s Win in 2008



2008 Press Release


Do Something